Meet Korben

Originally from Colorado, Korben considers the entire Southwest region of the United States as his home state. Korben loves to visit and work with property owners in Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and California.

With blood, sweat, and tears, Korbenhas made a fortune in real estate the hard way, working at least two to three jobs at a time to save money to buy the next property. In 2008, he and his family lost everything in the financial crisis. So close to calling it quits and leaving this world, Korben was determined that his family would not suffer for his investment mistakes. Ultimately it was greed and materialism, borrowing too much money to buy properties.

After his experience of 2008 and rebuilding a decent real estate portfolio, the same way by blood, sweat, and tears, Korben is determined not to let any other families experience what his family did. He always goes out of his way to help families find ways to keep their homes if possible. If all efforts and options have been exhausted, Korben will make a fair cash offer to help the homeowner save their credit or to take over payments through seller financing.

Korben hosts a weekly AMA podcast when he takes any real estate-related questions. He’ll often spend time answering the tough questions to help families save their homes.